Amit Friedman

TypeScript with Neovim: The ultimate config guide

Skip the fuss and see the full configuration.

In the past 2 years I’ve been improving the Neovim config I use everyday as a web developer, creating the ultimate Neovim config for working with TypeScript in Node, React, Angular and Astro projects.

While the ultimate Neovim config doesn’t exist, this attempts to be as close as possible. Everyone has their own preferences, and this article strives to give you the tools to create the ultimate config for you.

If you’re using Neovim for web development, you probably need:

  1. Syntax highlighting.
  2. Code completion.
  3. Inline diagnostics from the TypeScript language server and eslint.
  4. Find references / definitions / type definitions.
  5. Format on save with prettier.
  6. All the above working in *.ts, *.js, *.tsx, *.jsx, *.css, *.scss, *.html, *.astro files.

This article guides you through achieving all of these, providing the ultimate developer experience. We’ll go through everything you’ll need, while minimizing dependencies and config size to make maintenance easy.


  1. Neovim v0.10.4. I tested this config on v0.10.4 and this is the version I recommend using with it. Some of the included plugins require v0.10 or greater.
  2. folke/lazy.nvim installed and setup.

Code completion and snippets

Code completion is done with blink.cmp. For snippets we use rafamadriz/friendly-snippets.

curl is required for this plugin to work. If you do not have it installed you will get an error when starting Neovim.

  dependencies = { "rafamadriz/friendly-snippets", "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
  -- Use latest release tag pre-built binaries.
  version = "v0.*",
  -- `opts` is optional.
  opts = {
    keymap = {
      -- 'super-tab' for mappings similar to vscode (tab to accept, arrow keys to navigate).
      preset = "super-tab"
    completion = {
      documentation = {
        -- Automatically show the documentation window when selecting a completion item.
        auto_show = true,

Language servers

Language servers provide code completion, diagnostics and code actions among other things.

Astro Language Server

For configuring the Astro language server we use nvim-lspconfig.

The Astro language server must be installed separately with npm install --global @astrojs/language-server.

  dependencies = {
  config = function(_, opts)
    local lspconfig = require("lspconfig")
    local capabilities = require("blink.cmp").get_lsp_capabilities()

    local servers = {
    for _, lsp in pairs(servers) do
      lspconfig[lsp].setup {
        capabilities = capabilities

TypeScript Language Server

We use typescript-tools.nvim as our TypeScript language server. It performs better compared to other Typescript language servers, especially in large projects.

  dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "neovim/nvim-lspconfig" },

Linting and formatting

none-ls is used for configuring both auto format on save and diagnostics with prettier and eslint. We are using prettierd and eslint_d instead of regular prettier and eslint for faster formatting.

prettierd and eslint_d must be installed separately with npm install --global eslint_d @fsouza/prettierd.

  dependencies = {
    -- Required for eslint_d and prettierd sources.
  config = function()
    local augroup = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("LspFormatting", {})
    local null_ls = require("null-ls")

      sources = {

      -- Format on save.
      -- Source:
      on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
        if client.supports_method("textDocument/formatting") then
            vim.api.nvim_clear_autocmds({ group = augroup, buffer = bufnr })
            vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufWritePre", {
                group = augroup,
                buffer = bufnr,
                callback = function()
                    vim.lsp.buf.format({ async = false })

LSP find references, definitions, type definitions

We use folke/snacks.nvim for searching through references, definitions and type definitions of the item under the cursor.

It is fast and requires minimal conifguration. folke is great. we love folke.

  keys = {
    { "<leader>fd", function() Snacks.picker.lsp_definitions() end, desc = "Goto definition." },
    { "<leader>fr", function() Snacks.picker.lsp_references() end, nowait = true, desc = "References" },
    { "<leader>ft", function() Snacks.picker.lsp_type_definitions() end, desc = "Goto Type Definition" },

Syntax Highlighting

We use nvim-treesitter for syntax highlighting.

  -- Specify for lazy the main module to use for config() and opts().
  -- Required as lazy can not figure this out for treesitter automatically.
  main = "nvim-treesitter.configs",
  opts = {
    highlight = {
      -- Enable the sytax highlighting module. All modules are disabled by default.
      enable = true,
    ensure_installed = {
    -- Automatically install missing parsers when entering buffer.
    auto_install = true,
  -- Lazy will execute this on install or update of the plugin.
  -- This updates parsers when the plugin is updated or installed.
  build = ":TSUpdate",

The full config

    dependencies = { "rafamadriz/friendly-snippets", "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
    -- Use latest release tag pre-built binaries.
    version = "v0.*",
    -- `opts` is optional.
    opts = {
      keymap = {
        -- 'super-tab' for mappings similar to vscode (tab to accept, arrow keys to navigate).
        preset = "super-tab"
      completion = {
        documentation = {
          -- Automatically show the documentation window when selecting a completion item.
          auto_show = true,
    dependencies = {
    config = function(_, opts)
      local lspconfig = require("lspconfig")
      local capabilities = require("blink.cmp").get_lsp_capabilities()

      local servers = {
      for _, lsp in pairs(servers) do
        lspconfig[lsp].setup {
          capabilities = capabilities
    dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "neovim/nvim-lspconfig" },
    dependencies = {
      -- Required for eslint_d and prettierd sources.
    config = function()
      local augroup = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("LspFormatting", {})
      local null_ls = require("null-ls")

        sources = {
        -- Format on save.
        -- Source:
        on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
          if client.supports_method("textDocument/formatting") then
              vim.api.nvim_clear_autocmds({ group = augroup, buffer = bufnr })
              vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufWritePre", {
                  group = augroup,
                  buffer = bufnr,
                  callback = function()
                      vim.lsp.buf.format({ async = false })
    keys = {
      { "<leader>fd", function() Snacks.picker.lsp_definitions() end, desc = "Goto definition." },
      { "<leader>fr", function() Snacks.picker.lsp_references() end, nowait = true, desc = "References" },
      { "<leader>ft", function() Snacks.picker.lsp_type_definitions() end, desc = "Goto Type Definition" },
    -- Specify for lazy the main module to use for config() and opts().
    -- Required as lazy can not figure this out for treesitter automatically.
    main = "nvim-treesitter.configs",
    opts = {
      highlight = {
        -- Enable the sytax highlighting module. All modules are disabled by default.
        enable = true,
      ensure_installed = {
      -- Automatically install missing parsers when entering buffer.
      auto_install = true,
    -- Lazy will execute this on install or update of the plugin.
    -- This updates parsers when the plugin is updated or installed.
    build = ":TSUpdate"

Honorable Mentions


telescope.nvim is the predecessor of folke/snacks.nvim. It has very similar pickers for LSP find references / definitions / type definitions. It’s downsides are that it’s fuzzy finder is slower and it’s config is slightly more verbose compared to snacks.nvim.


conform.nvim is a lightweight formatter plugin. It is probably the most popular formatter plugin. Still, I prefer using none-ls as configuring formatting sources is a mere require call instead of specifying formatters manually for each filetype.


nvim-lint is an async linter plugin. Similarly to conform.nvim, I prefer using none-ls for linter diagnostics as configuring linters is easier and requires less configuration.

I'm Amit Friedman, an author and dev from Tel Aviv, Israel. I specialize in application scalability and performance, from small scale to large cloud deployments. I turn shopping lists of requirements to robust production infrastructure.